Kid’s Organization Binder

I have piles of my kid’s school papers and their pictures. It’s a question of what do we save and what do we throw away? I like to simplify, so here is an easy way to do just that!

1- Create a school binder.  It’s a memory of their school year. For example, school/class awards, sports or dance pictures for the year, a favorite paper they wrote or even an assignment. 

2-  School pictures- It’s a great way to divide their school binder. It starts from preschool and goes through 12th grade. Each school year they can put their school picture (5×7) on the grade that they completed and fill in their year in review. Favorite book, activity, and movie, who their friends are and what they want to be when they grow up. 

3- YOU WILL NEED: Clear page protectors, card stock and 1 to 2-inch binders. This helps keep it organized and will last longer! 

Instead of having boxes and boxes to give to your kids when they leave the house when they are older (because more than likely they will never look at them anyway), this is a simple solution! It’s an easy way to organize their school pictures and their favorite papers that they can look at through the years.

Boys Binder:

Girls Binder:

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